Friday, July 20, 2012

ARMPD- Lecture No. 6 (Time Management Part 2)

                                   TIME MANAGEMENT(19/07/12)

Today's lecturer highlighted another important section of  Time Management. That is Prioritization of tasks.
As students we need to prioritize the time based on the following criteria,
  • Spend 75% of your time on things you MUST do
  • Spend 20% of your time on things you SHOULD do  
  • Spend 5% of your time on things you LIKE to do  
The lecturer told us to compare the Our time log activity with the above measures. If the Time log confines to the above then it is an effective Time log and it shows how good our time management is.

"Pareto Principle explains : When you put 20% effort on a particular task it will produce 80% of the output"
When we prepare the to do list it is important that we do the high prioritized tasks first when your energy levels are high. In that case we will be able to obtain optimal usage from the tasks.

Then we had an important discussion about the Time Wasters which acts as a major barrier for our day to day operations. There are 2 main Time wasters

  • Self Generated (Internal)
  • Environment(external)

Self Generated factors include : 

Dis Organisation, Procrastination , Lack Of interest, Unnecessary Perfectionism, Burn-Out

Environment factors include : 

Visitors, Telephone calls, Junk Mail, Wasting for someone, Unproductive meetings, Crises

If we avoid the above Time wasting Circumstances then we can do better time management. The lecture was concluded by giving us a activity to do in class. The activity was to answer a set of questions using a software called BRAIN and find out whether what kind of a Learner. Whether Auditory, Visual or Kinesthetic

Reflection of the Lecture

As students it is essential for us to prioritize our day to day operations and perform those operations at a stage where Energy levels are at the peak. This will allow us to achieve Optimal Usage levels. It is important that we  overcome the time wasters which acts as a major barrier to our success. 

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