Monday, August 6, 2012

ARMPD- Lecture No. 12 (Scavenger Hunt)

Scavenger Hunt

Today's lecture was about scavenger Hunt. Lecturer gave us 6 questions and divided us into groups of 6. We were given a time limit of 20 minutes to go into the library and engage in scavenger hunt. The questions given by the lecturer are as follows

1) Give a list of 10 books available in the library addressing system analysis and design
2) What are the titles of the books written by the following authors
(Seedate, Barbara sproges, tony proctor, Kendle &Kendle, Jenny Priest, Turban, John Ward , Joe Peperd,
Guy Fitzgerald, Uma Sekaran)
3) Write down the project titles of the following BIT projects
  • Eshani Ranatunga
  • Dilani Gomez
  • Danushka Sandanayaka
  • lasith Thisera
  • Eranjan Padumadasa
4) Identify the ISPN numbers of the following books
  • E-marketing
  • Quantitative methods
  • key Managerial models
  • Database systems
  • Personality development
5) Give a recommendation of a book by providing the title and the author to the following module

  • Financial Accounting
  • Design Patterns
  • Usability Engineering
  • Information Systems and strategy
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Human Resources management
  • Business Environment
  • Database Management Systems
  • Agile Methodology
6) Find 5 newspaper Clippings on the following topic - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN SL
  • Name
  • Author
  • Published Date
  • Publisher
I chose question 2 and went through the shelves to find the Names of the books published by each author mentioned above. 

Reflection of today's Lecture

Today was a lecture outside the class room which was more of a fun activity for us. We worked as a group scavenger hunting the given questions. The lesson i learned from todays lecture was to work as a team diving task appropriately. The ultimate goal of this scavenger hunt was to give one report to the lecturer containing answers to the above questions. However i learned about famous authors and the books they have published which i consider will be a help to widen my knowledge in the future. Therefore i hope to make the maximum use of it.

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