Final Year Project Discussion(6/8/2012)
Today' s Lecture was a very important lecture for all of us. The Lecturer Conducted a Very useful Lecture about FYP (Final Year Project).
He explained the importance of FYP as it helps the students to get an honors degree. He explained that BIT Project revolves around a Business problem and it cannot be a hypothetical business. We have the freedom to look at new market opportunities that can build up an organization.
Next he explained few final year projects the past students have done and the areas they have researched
- HR
Few main Tasks of the FYP are to Submit a Draft proposal, Check the feasibility and the usability. The lecturer concluded the lecture by giving us an idea how what kind of areas to choose for the FYP and he asked us to go to the library and refer Past FYP project and get an idea of what to do.
Reflection of Todays's Lecture
Today i was a bit pressurized because of the FYP project. Still i haven't decided what area i should select. According to the lecturer we should select an area we are interested in. Therefore i thought of presenting a solution for a music company but still its not confirmed. However i got an idea from today's lecturer and from today onward i thought of allocation some time to Think of a problem for my FYP project everyday.
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