Thursday, August 23, 2012

ARMPD- Lecture No. 17 (Critical Evaluation)

Critical Evaluation

What is Critical Evaluation?

A Critical evaluation is all about evaluating academic text such as articles, reports, essay or books. 

Critical Evaluation does not mean only to criticize in a negative manner. It should include both positive and negative points. However the evidence should be clearly presented when critically evaluating. 

ex- A lawyer brings sufficient evidence to support their arguments in a Court case. Like wise the reader should be convinced and to do that it is important to state evidence.

 Based on the evidence stated the author will select one person example - person A or Person B's side which is known as justification. Therefore there are 3 main steps in Critical evaluation.

  • Argument
  • Evidence
  • Justification
The lecturer provided us a Tutorial which helped us to understand Critical evaluation well. While reading the Tutorial I found an area which i consider is important. It is as follows,

What is meant by evaluation or  Judgement?

In the Tutorial it stated that,

" Evaluation requires an understanding of not just the content of the text but also an understanding of text's purpose, the intended audience and why it is structured the way it is."

This was very important for a student which is to understand the word evaluation. Most of the students does not understand the meaning of the word evaluation Hence does mistakes when it comes to Exams and Assignments.

The lecturer gave us a small class activity to be done in the class it self. He played a video recording and then asked us to write a critical evaluation for it. The lecture was concluded in the above fashion.

Reflection of the Lecture

The lecture which conducted today mainly helps our exams and assignments. Critical evaluation is a term that most of the students misunderstand. i myself didn't get the correct picture of Critical evaluation at first. However after this lecture i feel like i missed out a very understandable part which we failed to understand earlier on. I determined to read the entire tutorial and do some individual research on the topic critical evaluation. It is a very important word and a area that all students should focus on. Since i get the true picture of it  hope to minimize the errors which i did in my previous assignments and exams.

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